Existential Psychotherapy and Mindful Nutrition
Holistic Therapy
Helping people to reach their healthier lifestyle

"Instead of looking reductionistically for the causes of somatic diseases, we should ask ourselves why some people stay healthy even though they are exposed to the same pathogens that cause disease in others."
"Some crises are part of the normal processes of maturation, others are inevitable aspects of human nature"
At different times in one's life, one can find meaning in different places. It is human nature to grow through change, to develop and upgrade oneself in conditions that take one out of the familiar and what one is used to. It is not necessary to first define a meaning that deserves to be lived and only then to begin to live it. A person's life purpose is deeply connected to what they love most. When one does what he loves, he is already on the path to the most meaningful in his life. Mistakes made along the way do not diminish the value of the meaning. Moments of difficulty, pain, sorrow, failure, do not move away from the concept of meaning, quite the opposite.